The General Data Protection Regulation is up, finally. There’s still a long way to go, but thank you, Europe.


So you think you’re safe?   We’re often told our privacy will be safe, because our data will be made anonymous. But Dorothy Denning and other computer scientists discovered in about 1980 that anonymization doesn’t work very well. Even if you write software that will only answer a query if the answer is based on […]

Apostates of the Church of Tech

An interesting discussion between 12 major actors of the internet Why, over the past year, has Silicon Valley begun to regret the foundational elements of its own success? The obvious answer is November 8, 2016. For all that he represented a contravention of its lofty ideals, Donald Trump was elected, in no small part, by […]

In this case, us

Interesting thread by Francois Chollet: The problem with Facebook is not *just* the loss of your privacy and the fact that it can be used as a totalitarian panopticon. The more worrying issue, in my opinion, is its use of digital information consumption as a psychological control vector. Time for a thread The world is […]

Who knew?

Fifty million accounts harvested for psychological warfare. That was meant to happen. Wondering to what extent Cambridge Analytica was called that way to flatter the Harvard grads at Facebook (Hey, Sheryl!) and get complacent access. The Cambridge Analytica files – The Guardian When I visited Facebook four years ago and talked to their Data Analyst […]

The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence

Interesting report here. Soon we’ll transfer to Artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities are growing at an unprecedented rate. These technologies have many widely beneficial applications, ranging from machine translation to medical image analysis. Countless more such applications are being developed and can be expected over the long term. Less attention has historically […]

Doctor Muller

Russian interference is being established. We’ll see where this goes. Interesting thread… on social media! I’m reading the Mueller indictments in the original PDF-legalease format. All the way through, because I’m not a Republican member of Congress and think this is actually important. — Baratunde (@baratunde) February 16, 2018


The great promise of the internet was that it would allow anyone to get access to information. This was seen as a great progress for humanity. Until we realized that not all information is born equal. Information can be useful, it can be fake, and even can be both at the same time. Reality used […]

Flushing AI

It’s certainly a bad time to have backward-looking leadership… In Beijing, the government uses facial-recognition machines in public rest rooms to stop people from stealing toilet paper; it limits users to sixty centimetres within a nine-minute period. Making China Great Again – Evan Osnos, New Yorker See also: Singapore will be the first stop in […]

Chinese shadows

Unhinged tech companies are bad, but at least they face public blowback (for the time being). The US forfeiting its leadership might make things worse. And it’s happening. In Beijing, I hailed a cab and headed to the northwest corner of the city, where a Chinese company called SenseTime is working on facial recognition, a […]