Interesting book by Bernard Stiegler, from and Ars Industrialis “Dans la disruption“.
An explanation why everyone in the tech world is going crazy.
The goal is eventually to radicalize the conservative revolution — which was itself a radical criticism of the social-democratic reformism and the “fordo-keynesian compromise”. Either by subjecting every material causes, formal and final, to the efficient cause that disruption would be in itself self-sufficient; that is : without goal but efficiency itself. The aim is to outpace law and its consequences by the efficiency of facts.
This dominion of fact-driven lead to the watering down of the public power: what the Barbarians are attacking is the legitimacy of the public re – in that it is not appropriable by private initiatives. This attack by the Barbarians is a claim, if not of pure unlawfulness, but at least of vanity of law, against which disruption allows to “debunk France” by multiplying loopholes – and subsequently chaos.
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